Taurus Season is Here
Are you ready to learn about Moldavite properties? There is an unmatched connection between Moldavite and the Taurus sign and this article will teach you how to maximize your spiritual experience with Moldavite during this period! Don’t miss out!
Beautiful Spring has arrived, and with-it blooming flowers and enlivening greens! Could you feel your senses blossom to the luxuries of life? Taurus Season has arrived!
The Sun has officially entered the well-grounded and stable Taurus. Taurus is the first of the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), and is a Fixed Sign. Fixed signs reflect stability, resolve, depth, and perseverance in astrology. On the other side of the spectrum, they also represent the qualities of being inflexible, static, defiant, opinionated, and single-minded.(1) Taurus sits in the Second House and is ruled by planet Venus. In astrology, planet Venus relates to Love and Money. Though, reducing the influences of Venus to simply “love and money” does not do it justice.
Venus is the Goddess of Love, and Venus is the planet that governs our emotions, values, and pleasures of life. Venus is the Goddess of grace, elegance, and beauty. Venus teaches us about our preferences, pleasures, creative inclinations, and what makes us happy. In the natal chart, we look at Venus and see how we treat romantic relationships and what brings us joy. We also look to Venus to see how we spend our money, what sorts of things we purchase, how much time we spend doing recreational activities, and what kinds of leisure activities we seek out.(2)
It is important to know the faculties associated with Venus, because it plays a prominent role in influencing the Taurus sign (as well as, the Libra sign). This is a crucial connection, in helping us understand why a “stormy, rapidly transformative, and catalytic” stone like Moldavite is associated with the somewhat “static, inflexible, and resistive” Taurus sign, in the 12 house Western Astrology’s Sun sign centric horoscope system. We would think, given that Moldavite is a strong metaphysical transition stone and has the potential to cause dramatic shifts in priorities and physical life changes, that it would perhaps be a stone associated with Aquarius, who are regarded as being progressive, inclined to change, and seekers of transformative experiences. But it isn’t.(3) So, why Taurus? Why is stormy Moldavite associated with calm Taurus?
Venus. (We knew this was coming, didn’t we?)
Venus and Heart Chakra Connection
Planet Venus corresponds to the Heart Chakra. Given that Venus is the planet of love, relationships, and the ability to relate with other people; these areas of effect come from having a healthy heart chakra.(4) The heart chakra, also known as the “anahata” chakra in Sanskrit, is found at the level of the heart in the middle of the spine. “Anahata” loosely translates to "unharmed." As a result, the heart chakra serves as the source of one’s inner connection, sympathy, empathy, affection, and place of forgiveness.(5)

Moldavite and Heart Chakra Connection
Moldavite is a strong Chakra opener and activator, resonating particularly well with the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. Its energy will settle and center in the heart, despite the fact that it will first go where it is most required in the physical and etheric bodies.(6) But what makes Moldavite specifically associated with the Heart Chakra?
I see it broken down in three ways, attributed to: color, connection, and point of activation.
Serena Poon, a chef, nutritionist, and reiki master says, “Each chakra vibrates or spins at a particular frequency that impacts specific biological processes and organ systems in our body. The circulation of energy in each of our chakras then influences our physical as well as our mental well-being by way of stimulation or inhibition.”(7) Each color corresponds to a particular type of vibration or frequency that emits through the chakras.(8) Scientifically, light is measured in units of cycles (waves) per second, or hertz. The frequency of visible light is referred to as color, and ranges from 430 trillion hertz, seen as red, to 750 trillion hertz, seen as violet.(9) The color chart below, is reflective of yogic traditions and contemporary healing modes of thought. Even though the precise colors of each energy center, or chakra zone, may vary, consensus is present for this general rainbow-colored representation.(8)

The colors of the seven primary chakras (wheels) are:
- First Chakra (Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra in Sanskrit): Red Color
- Second Chakra (Sacral Chakra or Swadhisthana Chakra in Sanskrit): Orange Color
- Third Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Chakra in Sanskrit): Yellow Color
- Fourth Chakra (Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra in Sanskrit): Green Color
- Fifth Chakra (Throat Chakra or Vishuddhi Chakra in Sanskrit): Blue or Turquoise Colors
- Sixth Chakra (Third Eye Chakra or Ajna Chakra Sanskrit): Purple or Indigo Colors
- Seventh Chakra (Crown Chakra or Sahasrara Chakra in Sanskrit): White Color
Whereas the chakra colors represent various wavelengths of light and energy associated with each energy core or zone (accepted from ancient yogic traditions), their meaning, however, can be linked to the function of the relative chakras, as well as general symbolism.(8) With this association the meaning of each of the seven colors are broken down with the following traits:
- Red Color (Root Chakra): With the Root Chakra defining our relation to Earth, the color Red complements it with its color psychology meanings of: survival, vitality, passion, grounding, courage, strength, power; and love and war. The color Red also represents danger, due to its intensity and strength of attraction.(10)
- Orange Color (Sacral Chakra): With the Sacral Chakra defining our connection with the Water element, the color Orange correlates with the water element by connecting with our emotions. Its color psychology meanings are: sexuality, creativity, desire, compassion, and varied range of emotions centered around happiness, attraction, and joy.(10)
- Yellow Color (Solar Plexus Chakra): With the Solar Plexus Chakra connecting us to our life force, by being the nexus of our primary source of personal will and power; the color Yellow complements it with its color psychology meanings of: Sun, Fire, radiating energy, success, and will power. All these qualities are attributed to one’s life force, because it elicits joy, encouragement, energy, and fire to seek more, intellectually and spiritually.(10)
- Green Color (Heart Chakra): With the Heart Chakra connecting us to the Air element, it complements the color Green, in its focus of relationships and growth within those relationships, both internally and externally. Green’s color psychology meanings are: sensory (specifically, the sense of touch), growth and change, transformation, relationships, love, nature, etc.(10) We would think given that the color Green is associated with the Heart Chakra, why wouldn’t the element associated with it be Earth, or Water, even, in their ability to nurture growth and sustain life, in touching everything? But, interestingly, Air and Love, both, are deeply connected in that they surround us, always. Therein lies the key to the Heart Chakra, because, by holding our heart core open and our love flowing freely, we can embody this aspect of connection to all that surrounds us. Green, the color of transformation, connection, and loving force, is therefore identified with the Heart chakra.(11)
- Blue Color (Throat Chakra): With the Throat Chakra connecting us to communication, by mode of voice and expression, the color that complements this association is Blue. The color psychology meanings of blue are: communication, voice, expression, mindful listening, truth, self-expression, creative expression, etc.(10)
- Purple Color (Third Eye Chakra): With the Third Eye Chakra connecting us to intuition and the ability to “see” beyond that which is only within our physical senses, the associated color for this chakra is Purple or Indigo. The color psychology meanings of Purple and Indigo are: extrasensory perception, intuition, seeing beyond, connection to the non-physical, etc.
- White Color/ Purple-Hued Color (Crown Chakra): With the Crown Chakra connecting us to the Ether, and to all that which exists within and without the multidimensional reality, the associated color is White and/or Purple-Hued, sometimes also regarded to be the color Violet. The color psychology meanings of White are: consciousness, spirituality, divinity, connection to the multiverse etc.; perhaps because of its ability to augment and reflect all other colors.
Moldavite and Heart Chakra Connection
(By Mode of Color, Key Take-away)
- Green Color: With Moldavite being varied shades of vivid green, this particular quality of Moldavite, in being green, especially, connects it to the Heart Chakra, with the Heart Chakra energy center also being associated with the green color, as conveyed above.
- Air: With Moldavite being a stone of transformation and change, it connects with the Storm element, and it syncs with the Air element association of the Heart Chakra, as the ability of being connected to the internal and external in such a deep way, that rapid alignment to our Soul Path and Purpose is achieved, by way of allowing ourselves to be open at the Heart center.
Key-takeaway: connect with Moldavite’s green hues and allow it to radiate from your Heart Chakra!
Other than color and the air element playing a large role in Moldavite’s association to the Heart Chakra, as explored above, I believe there to be a unique connection between Moldavite and the heart, that connects it to the Heart Chakra, as well. Author Joseph Chilton Pearce, in his ground-breaking book, “The Heart-Mind Matrix: How the Heart Can Teach the Mind New Ways to Think,” explores the idea of connecting to the world and our divine destiny by activating the caring wisdom of the heart.(12) He dives deeply in explaining how the heart is intimately connected to our brain’s prefrontal cortex and offers a qualitative balancing force to the quantitatively driven intellect of the lower brain. He demonstrates how the Heart-Mind Matrix actually connects us to the Universe, and acts as the powerful engine of spiritual evolution.(12)
This key take-away from the book, in how what is felt deeply within our heart, reaches the brain so powerfully, by helping us perceive sensory and extra-sensory truth in unadulterated awareness, and then enabling us to transform and transcend conditioning and enter into a spiritual consciousness, is what I feel is the crux of the driving force between Moldavite and our spiritual transformation. This intimate connection of Moldavite to the Heart— the epicenter of our evolved and emotional consciousness— allows Moldavite to become a catalyst of transformation, not on its own accord (when in an individual or personal scale), but BECAUSE we consciously or subconsciously establish that powerful heart-based connection with it. The Heart, therefore, upon connection with the Moldavite, not only facilitates the spiritual transformation in communication with the Brain, but it also activates the Heart Chakra zone, allowing for release of blockages, and the emerging of love centered living.
This is one of the reasons why an individual who has not established a heart-centered connection to Moldavite, or a piece of Moldavite, is not experiencing anything tangible from Moldavite. Sure, sometimes the effects of Moldavite aren’t obvious or discernible until weeks, months, and even years later; and, only with some retrospection and connecting dots do we see the effect. But what I am referring to is the reasoning behind why a dealer or seller who carries large amounts of moldavites may not be experiencing anything from them, nor something from them all.
Key-takeaway: connect with your moldavite with an open mind and open heart and allow it to show you the way!
The Heart sends life to all parts of the body, via oxygenated blood, and likewise, while the energy of the moldavite is centered at the Heart, connecting it with the Heart-Brain matrix for action, its energy flows freely to all parts of our physical and etheric bodies that at the time need its focused energy towards healing. This is to, loosely explain how Moldavite does not simply influence just a particular energy zone, but is able to influence multiple energy zones, just as how the Heart’s effect in the body is not limited to its physical location, but its ability to push/pump blood, in our case, energy healing, to all areas of need. This role, and this connection of Moldavite towards the Heart, is why I believe the initial activating point, or point of activation, for Moldavite is in the Heart Chakra. Though, Moldavite also stimulates the Third Eye Chakra and The Crown Chakra, it is its primary connection with the Heart, and the Heart Chakra, that act as the Point of Activation, thereby establishing the transformative and transcending motion of the Heart-Brain matrix, that in-turn stimulate the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra— thereafter, also effecting other areas within the physical and etheric bodies.
Key-takeaway: hold your moldavite close to your heart, with love, and embrace for a positive transformation!
Taurus and Moldavite Connection
(via the Transitive Property)
We explored Taurus’ intimate connection to planet Venus, followed by planet Venus’s magnetic connection to the Heart Chakra, and lastly, Moldavite’s transcendental connection to the Heart Chakra, above, and by the transitive property, of Taurus connecting with Planet Venus, and Planet Venus connecting with the Heart Chakra, and Heart Chakra connecting with Moldavite, we establish how Taurus connects with Moldavite: via Planet Venus and the Heart Chakra!
You may be wondering, then, since the Planet Venus also effects Libra, then why wouldn’t Libra be connected with Moldavite just as much?
The Libra effect of Venus embodies the fundamentals of human relationships. Libra is about the inter-personal energies that can take on a life of its own and offer points of view not visible to oneself. It is a composite of complementary views of one: 1) one’s perception of oneself, and 2) others’ perception of one. Venus’ effect on Libra explores the fundamental dynamic in balancing these perceptions with one’s psyche. So, its love with Libra tends to be more about that interactive, relationship oriented, exploration of self and acceptance of others’ view. Its focus is on this balance.(13)
Whereas Venus’ effect on Taurus, given Taurus is an Earth sign, and as such, it is associated with the physical world and the human body, is the side of Venus that is all about sensuality, enjoyment, and appreciating the material world's gifts. This includes all of your money, belongings, and services, which together make up what you “have.”(13) What we "have" is a reflection of our importance and worth. And if we sometimes conflate the two, material worth is not the same as self-worth. If our financial situation is bad, our self-esteem can suffer as well. Our "things" will turn into a mirror that we take too seriously. Venus and Taurus both reflect our sense of self-worth in this way. The Taurus side of Venus is our sense of inner balance, which adds up the wins and losses in regard to our sense of self. It is what we “have,” in the sense of, what are our opportunities, and the resources we can count on. It is what we can use to influence and obtain what we want by transaction. It may be anything material, such as resources, or something immaterial, such as skills, qualifications, or even people we can rely on when we need them.(13)
So, Venus’s influence on Taurus tends to be all that is to be experienced in the sensory world in its most exquisite, endless, and purest way. Which is to say, with Moldavite being a stone of transformation and abundance, it aligns with Taurus, the most, because Venus’ Taurus influence, too, allows for Taurus to be a nuclear center for all the plays in the physical world. The way that Moldavite plays a role in directly affecting our material world, and allowing ourselves to transform internally, with our self-worth and soul-purpose, and then allowing us to act upon it in our external world— is the exact alignment between Moldavite and Taurus, which makes their convergence all the more profound and powerful.
In this Taurean period, where opportunities, momentum, and chance for growth in the material world are boundless, working with moldavite will create a synergistic effect, and will allow you to harness moldavite’s transformational ability with Taurus’ access to the boundless material world. After all, that’s where Moldavite affects us— by effecting rapid change in our material world, that allows us to align to our highest purpose.
Key-takeaway: this is the time, for boundless transformation, so pull out your moldavite piece/s, and harness the Taurean period’s boundless access to the material world!
There is also a special connection between Moldavite and the Scorpio sign, in that they are both oriented around the energy of Transformation. Moldavite, transformational, in the sense of spiritual evolution and by expansion of consciousness; and, Scorpio, transformational, in the sense of exploring the depths of our psyche, and allowing for deep reflection, elimination, death of karmic baggage, and rebirth onto what’s new. This is due to Scorpio being ruled by Pluto, which influences with the depths of the Underworld, packed with power and psychic prowess, and forces you to dive deeply allowing for complete ego death. It brings forth effects of that which we consider to be our darkest fears, bitterest truth, greatest shame, and all which we have repressed. It forces all that to be examined, brought to the surface, worked on, healed, and then allowed for rebirth towards their higher-vibrational complementing qualities such as: strength and courage, principled truth, acceptance and compassion. Doesn’t this all sound a bit like what Moldavite triggers, for many, during its period of transformation? This is why Moldavite and Scorpio, effected by Pluto, have a special relationship! They both allow for inner transformation, by truly getting to the bottom of our habits, choices, fears, addictions, and experiences…so we can allow for true change and alignment to our higher path. Yes, Moldavite’s role is in the material world, though it aligns us with our spiritual paths and expansion of consciousness, it does so for our roles in this lifetime, in this planet, and in this timeline. It aligns with Scorpio’s Pluto energy of allowing us to do deep shadow work and inner healing, but ultimately prepares us through this transformation to get us to our path, and our roles in the material world.(14)
Interestingly, Taurus and Scorpio signs are opposites in the Zodiac, but have the same polarity!(15) This is when, in a natal chart, two signs sit opposite of each other, and their Rulership planets are situated across the Zodiac from each other. This particular opposition between Taurus and Scorpio, creates a chance to overcome comfort zones and align with your highest position. While they are opposite, they are also of the same polarity. Polarity, in astrology, refers to the alignment of its energy, whether it is positive or negative. Not in the traditional sense of positivity and negativity with positivity being good and negativity being bad; but this refers to the Yin and Yang quotient, or the Feminine and Masculine quotient. The complementary aspect of the cosmos. These polarities are assigned in an alternating pattern, beginning with a Positive or Masculine, Aries— the Yang. Which proceeds as Taurus and Scorpio, both, being Negative or Feminine— the Yin.(16) With these two signs sharing such a powerful connection, an incredible push and pull effect is created! Both of these signs are alike in the ways of: quiet contemplation for manifesting their desires, being protective and secretive, ability to harness energy innately, creativity, power and control, and patience. While they are different in how they extend these inner workings. Scorpio, influences convergence, and the ideas of shared resources in a creative union, while Taurus holds influence over the boundless access of resources. So together, it is like if Taurus was about form that is material or immaterial, then Scorpio manipulates and changes the form, by using their abilities and access of resources.(15) So, Taurus is the “light,” aspect of the “shadow,” of Scorpio. Taurus teaches us how to manifest our physical life through physical hard work, ambition, and commitment. Scorpio teaches us how to dive deeply into our own psyches and face ourselves in our truest sense, so we become our own greatest resource and power, before we can influence the external world effectively. This is crucial because, when we internalize the value of this duality, of light and shadow, of Taurus and Scorpio, we can see most clearly how Moldavite works with us in the same ways! By allowing us to do deep inner work that will result in a transformation that will enable us to find success in the material world, all in alignment with our highest Self.(17)
Key-takeaway: with the influences of the powerful Supermoon Full Moon in Scorpio surrounding us during this period, this makes it immeasurably powerful time to work with your Moldavite, especially this Taurus season.
Taurus and Moldavite Connection is MINDBLOWING, now how do I utilize it?
How to Use Moldavite During this Period
With it being Taurus Season, until May 20th, 2021, and with the influences of the Scorpio Full Moon upon us starting April 26th, 2021, this is a cosmically charged time to work with your Moldavite.
There is nothing you need to do externally in order to harness this energy, as it influences us all, regardless. So, working with your Moldavite in the ways that you do usually, or in the ways I will point out in the next section (“Yes! So, how do we work with Moldavite?”), is sufficient. There is no additional measure that needs to be implemented, but, if making Full Moon Water with your moldavites, or making Seasonal (Taurus Season) Water during this season with your moldavites is something you feel inclined to do, then, please do.
Simply working with your moldavites this period is wholly sufficient for it to be on a power-booster pack, for you to maximize your Spiritual experience!
As we discussed above with the Taurus and Moldavite connection, and the current influence of the Scorpio Full Moon, too, and with the prosperous Taurus season upon us, these all bring tremendous energy into play: with Venus influencing Taurus, Pluto influencing Scorpio, and the power of the Full Moon. Whether these energies influence Moldavite, I’ll save that discussion for another post, but what is important to note is that these are highly complementary energy influences that are working synergistically, WITH Moldavite. This doesn’t make Moldavite any more or any less powerful, perhaps it does (we will explore this in another article, on whether Tektites can be influenced externally), but what it does is these external energies are affecting our internal and external playgrounds, in transformative ways, much like Moldavite does. So, it is like using varied resources that are centered around Transformation (Inner Transformation of Scorpio, and Material world Transformation of Taurus, and Spiritual Transformation that comes from Inner and Material Transformation, by way of Moldavite), to boost oneself to the next stage of one’s Spiritual evolution and Material success.
With Moldavite’s ability to amplify, much the same as how Pluto’s influence on Scorpio allows for amplification— especially working with Moldavite this season, will create tremendous waves of breakthroughs. Remember, during periods of deep and drastic transformation, it isn’t always pretty. A lot of perceived negativity might surface, and it may appear that the amplification is increasing some struggles, negative habits, or negative patterns you may be experiencing; but what is important to remember is:
1) this amplification is a part of what creates a rapid transformation, by essentially “speeding” up lessons and experiences by almost pushing you to your breaking point so you say “enough is enough” and step to that which brings you joy and empowerment, and,
2) nothing is being created; only merely being influenced, meaning that most of what we may experience isn’t conjured by the stone, and is not new, but is the old that has built up and weighed us down, in whichever ways, that when set aside, allows us to step into our highest light.
Remember to allow yourself patience, compassion, quiet reflection, and find courage to push forward, knowing to trust the process, and by cultivating the ability to visualize how what is transpiring might be for your highest good, even if it doesn’t feel that way in that moment.
Are You Ready For This?
Yes! So, how do we work with Moldavite?
Meditation is a profound way to connect and actively work with your Moldavite. Though Meditation is an ancient practice, it is still very much alive and relevant in our modern world. It’s mindfully practiced pervasively, as a way toward inner alignment and peace. Sure, meditation has its connections with varied religious texts and practices, but meditation is more about changing consciousness, seeking awareness, and realizing peace than it is about religion.(18)
Human brains operate at a beta wave state, during regular activities, but during meditation, the brain waves become slower, yielding an alpha brain-wave state. It is speculated that the Pineal Gland, Amygdala, and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex of the human brain are connected with possible psychic abilities. And, as you sink into deeper states of mind, like via meditation, an amplification of psychic abilities could be achieved, along with a profound state of peace and relaxation.(19)
While there isn’t a good or bad way to meditate, it may be worthwhile to note some types of meditative techniques, so you can utilize one that best suits your needs. Some of the most popular types of meditative practices are: “1) mindfulness meditation, 2) spiritual meditation, 3) focused meditation, 4) movement meditation, 5) mantra meditation, 6) transcendental meditation, and 7) progressive relaxation.”(18)
We will explore Meditation and its varied techniques and utilization in future discussions, but in context of this discussion, in working with Moldavite thru meditation, I am inclined to suggest any of the above techniques of meditations work well for our purposes. Additionally, Guided Meditations that are found on YouTube can also be of great guidance and help, especially during the beginning stages of Meditation practice.
Though Moldavite stimulates the upper chakras, and in the process “ungrounds” you from the material world, in order for you to efficiently access the “Conscious State,” “Spirit”, or “Divine Realm,” (since this mode of access provides the wisdom that guides you with the needed transformational inner and outer work), it still has a protective quality that is generally associated with all tektites*.
*Tektites are a rare type of natural glass that was created when ancient meteorites collided with the Earth. It's a silica-rich stone that resembles small gravel pebbles. They usually come in different shades of black, but they can also come in dark brown and grey. Moldavite is a kind of green tektite that originated in the Czech Republic.(20)
You are vulnerable in an ungrounded state, because you are open to a wide range of information, energies, entities, and interactions. It is important to be mindful by actively protecting yourself either with visualization techniques, and/or with other stones that offer grounding abilities. When working with Moldavite, we are more open, and more receptive to its influences. We are also more open and receptive to the external, as we are making conscious and subconscious efforts to transform. While Moldavite is protective of you while you are in these vulnerable states, especially since you will be doing deep inner work before projecting towards outer work, it still leaves you open to influences. These influences are important for our healing work and for our spiritual and material transformation, of course, so it is needed, but we become disconnected with the material world and start exhibiting blocked Root Chakra symptoms, if we do not adequately ground ourselves in between either our meditations, or day-to-day interactions with Moldavite. Some good stones to help you with that grounding aspect, WITHOUT opening/subjecting or amplifying you for more influence, or on the opposite side—blocking you from the needed openness that Moldavite brings are: Black or Brown “Dravite” Tourmaline, Jet, Black Moonstone, Smoky Quartz, and Tibetan Morion Black Quartz.
During your preferred meditation technique, holding the Moldavite in your left, receptive hand, allows you to access Moldavite’s palpable energies. This mode of access allows you to establish a Heart-Brain connection with Moldavite. Additionally, you can also place the stone on your forehead, on your Third Eye area, which will create a similar effect as holding it in your left hand but will more discernibly stimulate your physical and etheric bodies. You will not only experience the typical physical symptoms of heat, palpitation, tingly vibration, headache, maybe even nausea for some (if they are not used to high intensity stones); but will also result in a sense of lucidity in vision, that extends beyond your physical eyes, and into your Etheric Eyes, or Third Eye. Not everyone experiences physical body symptoms with Moldavite, and that is A-OKAY. That will not lessen any of the experiences or benefits you may come to sense with Moldavite.
Personally, when it comes to meditation, I find that: simply sitting on the floor, facing a bright window, closing my eyes, holding my Moldavite piece in my hand, while some Sound Healing music surrounds the space for ambience, has been a fulfilling meditation technique in and of itself, when working with Moldavite.
Remember, we don’t need to do anything fancy or complicated to experience the Divine within us. We just have to allow ourselves to simply be. It’s okay if you have constant thoughts and lose focus; go along with it. The heart-based wanting you feel to connect with the Divine, at all, with Moldavite and Meditation, is enough for you to reap the benefits.
This is my most preferred method of working with stones: by wearing them as jewelry, in form of a simple pendant, bracelet, or ring. I find that this way of working with stones, including Moldavite, allows for me to be in direct contact with it for longer periods of time. It keeps the stone within our physical and etheric body’s auric field. This form of working with Moldavite can be both passive and active. While we can passively wear it, and not do anything physical about it, nor even engage in a direct thought, intention, or meditative practice with it, it is still connected to us, as we have established the Heart-Brain connection with it. In active form, we can certainly wear the moldavite, and simultaneously engage in varied meditation practices, or conscious light/shadow work, or other present and intentional practices. Jewelry is also a great way to harness the Moldavite piece’s high vibration all day, wherever you are, and whatever you may be doing! Definitely give that a try, but it’s good to keep in mind that Moldavite is intense, so if you feel uncomfortable, it is always okay to remove it for periods of time. Another note would be to adequately ground yourself, as we discussed above.
Sleep states are especially powerful, in regard to our psychic experiences, because when we are dormant in our physical bodies, apart from autonomous bodily functions, we can access profound experiences, via dream-work and astral states, subconsciously. Apart from that, dream states are akin to deep meditative states, and when we consciously set an intention before we fall asleep to, let’s say, enable a tangible understanding of Moldavite— it offers a portal to access just that! But that is not necessary at all. Passively sleeping next to Moldavite or with it on your body as jewelry, is enough for it to influence your dreams and subconscious. It is possible you will experience more lucid dreams, as well as more frequent dreams that are more profound than ones you’ve experienced prior to Moldavite. I would recommend having a grounding stone by you, as well, since if you are new to working with higher vibration stones, or are especially vulnerable at this time, it would benefit to have some psychic protection, while you are open.
Moon Water
The Moon is considered to be a celestial Spiritual influence, that has a profound effect on the lifeforms present on Earth. Spiritually, its influences are endless and powerful—from influencing psychic amplification, offering energetic portals, to influencing the effects of Divinatory tools, and more. The moon is also a powerful reminder of the cycles of life and nature, and the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. This connects us to the ways of the Cosmos and “Spirit”, both visually and tangibly, by showing us the concept of Soul cycles, in highlighting their way of perpetual reincarnation.(21)
Natalia Kuna's book, “The Mysterious Moon,” states that all matter holds a frequency, including the moon, which could affect humans subtly— a concept supported by scientific research. These frequencies have been shown to affect and manipulate our subconscious mind's emotions and impressions. When they are more active or pronounced, such as during Full Moon or New Moon cycles, there is increased activity and strength, or none at all. In the psychological continuum of its influence, intense emotions, thoughts, and behaviors arise.(21)
New Moon
The moon is between the Earth and the Sun during the New Moon period, and it is not visible from Earth. The New Moon's darkness signifies the start of a new cycle, or the birth of a new cycle. It's symbolic of a seed being buried under the earth, which represents a genesis, a new beginning. The Moon's celestial force gradually becomes stronger and more intense during this period. It is believed to be an excellent opportunity to set intentions and priorities, as well as to begin new projects or concepts. It's as simple as writing it down or telling the world what you want, with conscious and clear intention. When you observe this period with a ritual, or with meditation, the energy is thought to be amplified.(21)
Full Moon
The moon, the Earth, and the Sun are aligned in the Full Moon phase, just as they are in the New Moon phase, except the moon is on the other side of the earth— opposite the sun. As a result, the entire illuminated part of the moon, can be seen on Earth, in its complete round form. This signifies the seed having reached its complete bloom. It is believed to represent: fertility, transformation, and completion.(21)
It offers a great time to release all that no longer serves a purpose in your life, or all that which is not aligned with your greatest good. Though this period is intense and strong, there is also a declining of power quality that is associated with this phase of the moon, because it wanes, after its full bloom. This phase offers a profound opportunity for inner work/shadow work, meditation and “Spirit” guidance, and enhancement of psychic senses and magic. It is worth to note that this phase of the moon is also infamous for the erratic behavior that is effected on people, especially when we do not adequately ground or consciously dwell in shadow work. Shadow work is merely self-reflection, and an exploration of our psyche— in all its light and shadows, in all its moments of fear, pain, shame, and isolation, and its moments of triumph, ego, and companionship.
The tendency of water to maintain a memory of substances already dissolved in it, often after an infinite number of serial dilutions, is known as water memory. It's been proposed as a process by which homeopathic treatments function even though they're so diluted that no molecule of the original material remains. Though, the scientific community does not recognize water memory because it violates modern scientific knowledge of physical chemistry.(22)
Whether the concept of water memory holds merit or not, water is observed to be sacred, extending back to ancient civilizations and their reverence of it. It even found its way into usage, beyond a necessity of our biological needs, by way of cultural, spiritual, and religious ceremonies.
Water vibration is thought to change in response to its surroundings. Recent scientific studies have shown that water is distinct as a "fluid" or, to put it another way, that it cannot be viewed as a conventional solvent. Water has a longer than anticipated ‘holding' of bonds that build transient foundations, according to a 2015 water report.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scholar researching water, demonstrated that the words and sounds being played changed the shape of water. He studied how constructive words and emotions affected the physical chemistry of water molecules. He went on to say that, since we're all made of water, constructive words and feelings may have an effect on our chemistry, too.(23)
So perhaps the ancient spiritual pioneers were on to something, when they started using water in spiritual and holy ceremonies, having set a specific intention and purpose for its usage.
“Moon Water,” is simply a convergence of the symbolism and understanding of the scared influences of the Moon, and of water. During the New Moon, or Full Moon periods, water placed in glass jars or in other vessels are left to be touched by the Moon’s light or darkness, with an intention set to harness that Moon cycle’s influences and energies. The water, then, can be used for various purposes: such as for making elixirs, as holy water for cleansing of space and empowering rituals, making perfumes, or for whatever one finds it to be useful. Of course, the cleanliness of the process and the containers, as well as, if anything else was added to the water, plays a crucial role in whether the water is ingestible. Likewise, crystals, herbs, and essential oils can be added to the vessel containing the water, to enhance its qualities.
So, when we are intending to make Moon Water with Moldavite, we can place a Moldavite piece within the container with water, or surrounding it, allowing for the Moon to influence the water. The Moldavite influences the water on its own accord and combined with the effects of the particular Moon phase, it could create a potent spiritual tool or elixir. Typically, Moon Water is made before the Full Moon phase, and is ready when the Moon is slightly past the Full Moon position.
But feel free to make it during any phase of the Moon, especially of this Full Moon in Scorpio, along with a Moldavite piece, for harnessing these magnificent celestial energies for a longer time, or in specific ways.
Seasonal (Taurus Season) Water:
Seasonal water is similar to the concept of Moon Water, in that, water in a jar, along with a crystal of your choice— for our purpose, Moldavite— is placed aside, with us setting a specific intention to harness the celestial energies at play during this powerful Taurus season. This allows us to carry this energy, beyond its resolution!
The Overall Take-away from our discussion:
With the Taurus season upon us, we explored the unmatched connection between Moldavite and the Taurus sign, further amplified by the influence of the Scorpio Full Moon! I hope you all don’t miss out on maximizing your spiritual experience and growth during this period. Pull out your moldavite pieces and have a happy Transformation!
Until next time,
Sherley Jennifer of ThrowinStones